As I jaunt through life, I record many discoveries and surprises with my "Image Grabber," at the moment an SLR digital camera. Most of these discoveries are during bicycle adventures, long tours and daily rides. As a "computer artist," I can't resist manipulating some of the photos to better express reality and fantasy.

Click on the images below to share my discoveries and fantasies.....

1sunflower70.jpg (114479 bytes) 1KalH trail chair 1.jpg (103734 bytes) 1C&O 15 dog.jpg (118659 bytes) 1MoldyB.jpg (45130 bytes) 1KalH trail colors 2.jpg (185722 bytes)
1Alex1a.jpg (79582 bytes) 1Sprite1.jpg (74498 bytes) 1roo36.jpg (100523 bytes) 1OZ 99 16b dragon.jpg (145511 bytes) 1subway41.jpg (70954 bytes)
Titles- top row, left to right... Titles- bottom row, left to right...
  • Sunflower fantasy...
  • Grand Junction, Michigan...
  • C&O Towpath biker...
  • Moldy baloney blues...
  • Kalhaven Trail Fall colors...
  • Color patterns...
  • Bug eyed Sprite blues...
  • Roo confrontation in the Bush...
  • Sir Charles Thermosloot...
  • Subway jazz, Third Street station, NYC, at midnight...
  •                                                                                                         Home        Jump to "Jauntin'- About my Art"!

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